Sunday, November 23, 2008

Why Prop 8 should worry everyone.

I've been thinking about this since Wednesday and I've tried to organize my thoughts and be more eloquent, but I'm so upset about this that I don't think it's possible. So here are my thoughts, raw.

The passing of Prop 8 in California (and Prop 2 in Florida and the other anti-gay amendments and proposals that passed this week) should scare us all. No matter your sexual orientation or you personal beliefs about homosexuality, you should be worried that Prop 8 passed.

The passing of Prop 8 took away the rights, basic civil rights and liberties, of individuals. It has rewritten the California Constitution, making it now legal to discriminate against a particular group.

You may be wondering why it should scare you if you aren’t a part of the group that this mainly affects. Good question.

It should scare everyone because it shows that certain groups can throw enough money, lies, deceit, and power behind a measure and eliminate the rights of people. If they can do it to this one group, they can do it to you too.

The LDS Church was behind 1/3 of the money donated to the Yes on Prop 8 campaign. And many other Christian groups were behind this amendment also. I see this as hypocritical. Christian groups talk about persecution around the world because of their religious beliefs, mainly in countries where another religion rules. But what they don’t see is that they are now the persecutors in this situation. They are deeming their values superior enough to deny rights to individuals, much like Islamic extremists think their religious values are superior and persecute Christians in their countries.

This attacking of the LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer) Community is similar to Hitler and his tactics used against Jews. (I’m not at all equating the fight for same-sex marriage to the Holocaust. Millions died in the Holocaust and few have died in the fight for gay rights.) Hitler used the Jews as an excuse for why Germany was declining. Hitler blamed the problems of the nation on the Jews. Sound familiar? Remember when Jerry Falwell said gays and lesbians were part of the reason our country was attacked on 9/11?

And do you hear that argument from Evangelicals about how same-sex marriages will destroy marriage and families? Guess which faith/ belief group has the highest divorce rate? Evangelical Christians. The group with the lowest? Atheists and Agnostics. If you marriage is destroyed or less meaningful because two people of the same sex can get married? Your married was already in bad shape. It’s not someone else’s fault.

Christian groups are blaming the LGBTQ community for problems in our country. It’s a page straight from Hitler’s diary. Hitler started his extinction-attempt by denying civil rights to Jews.

Think about it.

You may be in the majority now and are not part of an oppressed group, but if you continue to allow a majority to tyranny a minority, you will be in the minority one day.

Many people are saying the courts should not be involved and that the people have spoken. But at one time the people spoke and it was against women, blacks, and other minorities. The courts then spoke up and guaranteed the equality that all Americans deserve.

In Germany they first came for the Communists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist.

Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Catholics,
and I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant.

Then they came for me —
and by that time no one was left to speak up.


I don’t mean to attack one group. I’m sorry if I offend anyone. If you are offended, I’d encourage you to think about why this offends you and then send me a message about it. I have no problem with Evangelical Christians, I just think we should all think about this. Like I said earlier, you may be in the majority now, but you could very well be in the minority later.

Leave a comment or message me if you want to talk about it.

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